
Name: Snowflake Inc.

Ticker: SNOW

Headquarters: Bozeman, Montana

Founded: 2012

About: Snowflake Inc. is a cloud data platform provider. The Company’s platform enables customers to consolidate data into a single source to drive business insights, build data-driven applications and share data. The Company’s platform supports a multi-cloud strategy, including a cross-cloud approach to mix and match clouds. Its platform unifies data and supports a variety of workloads, including data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering, data science, data application development, and data sharing. The Company provides an integrated, end-to-end solution that delivers insights, data transformations, and data sharing. The Company, by leveraging the performance of the public cloud, its platform enables customers to unify and query data to support a variety of use cases. It also provides frictionless and governed data access so users can securely share data inside and outside of their organizations, generally without copying or moving the underlying data.

Snowflake Investor Relations

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