
Name: Fox Corporation

Ticker: FOX

Headquarters: New York, New York

Founded: 2019 (Fox Broadcasting founded 1986)

About: Fox Corporation is a news, sports, and entertainment company. The Company operates in three segments: Cable Network Programming, Television and Other, Corporate and Eliminations. The Cable Network Programming segment produces, and licenses news and sports content distributed through traditional cable television systems, direct broadcast satellite operators and telecommunication companies (traditional MVPDs), virtual multi-channel video programming distributors (virtual MVPDs) and other digital platforms, primarily in the United States. Television segment produces, acquires, markets, and distributes programming through the FOX broadcast network, advertising supported video-on-demand (AVOD) service TUBI, 29 full broadcast television stations, including 11 duopolies, and other digital platforms, primarily in the United States. Other, Corporate and Eliminations segment consist of the FOX Studio Lot, which provides television and film production services and Credible Labs Inc.

Fox Corporation Investor Relations

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